The InfoDictItem Descriptor can appear anywhere after the InfoHub Descriptor, except before an Env Descriptor, but most logically falls among or after any InfoDict [domain] Descriptors and before the Publisher Descriptors. InfoDictItems form the set of nodes the InfoHub can store. While you can create them explicitly, the configuration process can implicitly create InfoDictItems corresponding to some other InfoHub components (Publishers, xLines, Subscribers). The syntax of an InfoDictItem Descriptor is:

InfoDictItem:{InfoDictID | InfoDictName}:ItemName:[InfoDictItemID]:[Label]:[Type][;ItemDescription]


When the same InfoHub has multiple adapters, the user-defined Types must be a superset of the Types required by all the adapters, and the transforms for each adapter must deal appropriately with all Types, including transforming those outside their set into those within their set.

[Tip]InfoHub Internals

Configuration processing stores InfoDict item information in the following nodes:






InfoDictItem:UpTime:Days:3030400::Integer:Days since last reboot
InfoDictItem:UpTime:Load01:3030401::Float:One minute load average
InfoDictItem:UpTime:Load05:3030405::Float:Five minute load average
InfoDictItem:UpTime:Load15:3030415::Float:Fifteen minute load average

This example defines an InfoDict Domain called UpTime and 4 InfoDict Items called Days, Load01, Load05, and Load15. This example is a part of SimpleMonitor.conf configuration file in the ULFM Reference Implementation.

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