To purge InfoHub entries from the shell, execute a command like:
$ $gtm_dist/mumps -run InfoHub --action=purge --before=<time> [--activity] [--config] [--info] [--all]
An InfoHub must be shutdown before purging.
--before removes information older than <time>. <time> is of the format "dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS". Where dd is the numeric day of the month, mmm is the three letter abbreviation of the month and yyyy is the four digit year. The hours (HH), minutes (MM) and seconds (SS) are all optional. In order for the MUMPS to see the quoted string correct users must escape the quotation marks on the command line.
--activity removes ^InfoHubActivity (the InfoHub control global) entries.
--config removes ^InfoHubConfig (the InfoHub configuration global) entries that are no longer used.
--info removes ^InfoHubInfo (the InfoHub's data) entries.
--all removes all ^InfoHubActivity, ^InfoHubConfig, and ^InfoHubInfo entries.
To purge InfoHub entries from within GT.M, invoke the following entry point in the InfoHub API as an extrinsic function where 'TIME' is either a Unix time integer and 'options' is a MUMPS variable with subscripts "InfoHubActivity", "InfoHubConf", "InfoHubInfo" set to a positive integer value indicating which globals to purge:
$ $gtm_dist/mumps -run ^InfoHub --action=purge --config --before=\"30-OCT-2013 09:00:00\"
This example removes all InfoHub configuration entries that were added before October 30, 2013 at 9 am UTC.
GTM>set (opt("InfoHubActivity"),opt("InfoHubConf"),opt("InfoHubInfo"))=1 if $$purge^InfoHub(7421,1383138000,opt)
This example removes all entries related to configuration, InfoHub Activity, and InfoHub data that was added before 30-OCT-2013 09:00:00 UTC.