Examples of $ZLKID()

Example 1:

    SET x=$ZLKID(0) F cnt=0:1 Q:x="" S x=$ZLKID(1)

This uses $ZLKID() to count the number of currently accessible VMS locks.

Example 2:

    SET L=$ZLKID(0)
    FOR Q:L="" D
    .SET L=$ZLKID(1)

This uses $ZLKID() and $ZGETLKI() to identify GT.M processes based on whether they hold a VMS lock with the resource name "GTM$LM". Once the routine has identified a process, it invokes the subroutine SHWJOB passing the VMS PID. For a more extensive example, refer to the "M Utility Routines" chapter in this manual GT.M Programmer's Guide.