GTM> F i=3:-1:0 W !,$S(i=1:"here",i=2:"come",i=3: "Watson") Watson come here %GTM-E-SELECTFALSE, No argument to $SELECT was true GTM>
This loop uses $SELECT() to WRITE a series of strings. Because there is no true argument on the fourth iteration, when i=0, $SELECT() produces an error.
SET name=$S(sex="M":"Mr. ",sex="F":"Ms. ",1:"")_name
This example uses $SELECT() to add a prefix to the name based on a sex code held in the variable sex. Notice that the default handles the case of a missing or incorrect code.
IF $S(x=+x:x,x="":0,"JANAPRJULOCT"[x:1,1:0) D THING
This uses $SELECT() to perform complex logic as the truth-valued expression argument to an IF command.